Top pressures:
- executive and employee demands to leverage mobility’s productivity gains to broader organisation
- need to become more operationally efficient
- increasing capabilities and complexities of new mobile devices
Top actions:
- ensure all mobile devices with enterprise access are compliant with corporate standards
- support a heterogeneous mix of mobile device platforms
- protect device and network access from unauthorised use and malware
Enterprise mobility management (EMM) lifecycle:
- provisioning
- performance management
- operations and support
- compliance and security
- expense management
- decommissioning
1. Provisioning
- application inventory
- application provisioning
- application updates
- backup / restore
- data migration
- device inventory
- device provisioning
2. Performance
- application monitoring
- compliance tracking
- device / network monitoring
- performance tuning
- problem management
- user-level monitoring
3. Operations / support
- help desk support
- incident alerting
- IT operations support
- system recovery automation
- policy documentation
- system troubleshooting
- user self-service support portal
4. Compliance / security
- data encryption
- device / user authentication
- device configuration
- device security
- malware protection
- policy enforcement
- remote lock and wipe
- security updates
5. Expense
- billing dispute resolution
- call and usage accounting
- carrier billing optimisation
- feature procurement / service orders
- rate plan optimisation
- utilisation and activity tracking
- contract management
6. Decommissioning
- compliance tracking
- device disposal / recycling
- device locate
- inventory update
- remote lock
- remote wipe
Process capabilities:
- secure authentication of mobile users and devices established before providing corporate access
- security policy established which incorporates the full lifecycle of all compliant mobile devices
- security policy enforced for enterprise data on employee-owned devices
Organisation capabilities:
- access to company assets by all mobile devices and users is controlled by IT
- in-house mobile help desk support available for compliant mobile devices and applications
- C-level executive support or buy-in of EMM initiative
Knowledge management capabilities:
- internal expertise developed on targeted mobile device platforms
- inventory of employee-liable devices with network access
- mobile collaborative tools utilised
Technology capabilities:
- remote mobile device lock and wipe
- over-the-air mobile software update
- mobile devices centrally managed OTA
- in-house developed mobile SW
- self-service web portal
- enterprise mobile software app store
To achieve best-in-class performance, companies must:
- bet on EMM
- put IT back in charge
- secure the tablets